source: WWE
While this week's 205 Live and NXT mostly recapped WrestleMania, we got to see the debut of the War Raiders and Cedric Alexander's first Cruiserweight Championship opponent was revealed!
205 Live
source: WWE
Kalisto vs. Akira Tozawa
Winner: Kalisto
Tozawa fakes Kalisto out with a punch for a second then actually punches him in the jaw
Kalisto delivers a basement rana to Akira
Kalisto hits Tozawa with a Spanish Fly
Akira flips off the apron onto Kalisto outside the ring
Kalisto gives Tozawa a Salida Del Sol for the win
It’s no secret that I’m not too fond of either Tozawa or Kalisto, as well as their respective teams. This match lasted about 10-15 minutes, and, much like their other matches, I wan’t very impressed at all. These guys are fine in the ring, but they both just lack charisma.
source: WWE
Drew Gulak vs. Mark Andrews
Winner: Drew Gulak
Before the match, Tony Nese approaches Andrews and encourages him to beat his former best friend
Drew Gulak comes out to the ring and teases a PowerPoint presentation but doesn’t deliver because this match is too serious
Gulak catches Andrews off the top rope, but Andrews reverses into a bulldog
Drew shoves Mark on the apron into the pole and out of the ring
Andrews delivers a splash off the middle of the top rope to Gulak
Gulak and Andrews hit one another with open palm strikes
Andrews hits Gulak with a Stundog Millionaire
Gulak locks in the Gu-lock and Andrews taps
Drew traps Mark in the Gu-lock again after the match, and Tony Nese comes out to save him
Nese lays into Gulak with punches and jumps over the top rope, hitting him with a corkscrew plunger
I like that Gulak is embracing more heel tactics. By making PowerPoint presentations more scarce, he can tease them and get heat when he doesn’t present. This match was pretty good, and Gulak’s newer, more brutal style makes you wanna hate him even more. I really like the idea of Gulak vs. Nese, and I look forward to their feud. I hope they can get a PPV match in the near future.
source: WWE
Cedric Alexander’s Cruiserweight Championship celebration is cut short
Drake Maverick welcomes Cedric Alexander to the ring following his victory at WrestleMania. Alexander thanks the crowd for chanting two years ago “please sign Cedric” and for supporting him throughout his journey to the Cruiserweight Championship.
Mustafa Ali comes out, congratulating his friend on his victory. Ali tells him that there are several superstars in line for an opportunity at his title, and Ali himself is in that line. Buddy Murphy’s music hits, and while Cedric, Drake, and Mustafa look to the stage for him to enter, he comes from behind them and delivers a Murphy’s Law to Alexander. Drake yells at him as he backs away from the ring, eyeing the Cruiserweight Championship.
I love the way this segment was put together. I think it’s a good idea for Alexander and Ali to resume their feud at a later date, because both are great babyfaces and it wouldn’t make sense to turn either right now.
Buddy Murphy has proved in recent weeks that he’s has great character and is even better in the ring. I can’t wait to see him turn up his heel-ness; he’ll be a good first challenger for Alexander.
source: WWE
Lacey Evans vs. Kairi Sane
Winner: Kairi Sane
Sane delivers a flying headscissors takeover to Evans
Evans hits Sane with devastating chops in the corner
Sane gains some momentum, but is shut down by a shoulderbreaker by Evans
Kairi Sane explodes out of nowhere with an interceptor spear
Sane hits Evans with a sliding elbow to the chest and a superman punch off the top rope
Sane delivers an InSane Elbow to Evans for the victory
I think that the way they’re presenting Lacey Evans is great. She was a good babyface, but last week, she delivered a good promo backstage about how she, as the lady of NXT, was better than all of the other disgusting girls. While she may not be getting a huge push now, she could be one of the top heels in NXT with a little more work.
Kairi Sane performed really well in this match. She was able to bounce back and show great endurance after being dominated by Evans for most of the match, all the while looking intense with that elbow.
source: WWE
Heavy Machinery (Tucker Knight and Otis Dozovic) vs. Tino Sabatelli and Riddick Moss
Winners: N/A (Double Disqualification)
While the ref is distracted, Sabatelli attacks Knight from behind to allow Moss to recover
Moss hits Knight with a fallaway slam
Dozovic runs from corner to corner, slamming into Tino and Riddick
War Raiders run in and attack both teams
Hanson and Rowe double team each member of both teams
The War Raiders (FKA War Machine) made their debut in this match, looking dominant as ever. I like how they utilized several moves to double team both Sabatelli and Moss and Heavy Machinery. It was a good idea to debut them here after the other “big men” team of Akam and Rezar moved up to the main roster this past week.